laghi in Cadore

Contact Cadore Vacanze

  /  Contact Cadore Vacanze

Contact Cadore Vacanze

For over 10 years Cadore Vacanze has wanted to be a reference guide for Cadore tourists.

Many requests come from tourists looking for apartment or a Hotel to choose to spend own holidays.

This is why Cadore Vacanze offers you the possibility of inserting your personalized page with details and contact details of your facility, be it a hotel or one or more apartments.

Don’t miss the opportunity, join Cadore Vacanze!!!

Contact Cadore Vacanze

For information, suggestions or joining Cadore Vacanze you can send an email to: or fill out the form on the side


Cadore Vacanze offers a guide to countries, excursions, events and accommodation options.
The owners of houses or hotels manage their rentals independently.

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