Monte Ricco

Monte Ricco Fort

  /    /  Monte Ricco Fort

The Monte Ricco Fort is a late nineteenth-century structure located on the hill overlooking Pieve di Cadore. It was born for military-defensive needs in the aforementioned Monte Ricco but was abandoned after the Great War. In 2017 it was resumed, after a careful restoration, as a cultural center.

The facility is managed by two important local authorities:

  • Tiziano and Cadore Study Center Foundation
  • Onlus Eyewear Museum Foundation

Historical notes

Monte Ricco Fort is a construction took place between 1885 and 1895. Built correctly, it was already inappropriate for modern wars, since the defense was entrusted to a moat and a drawbridge. Immediately downgraded as a second line fort, it will soon be emptied of materials, men and vehicles and used as a prison, field hospital and logistics fort to aid the first line which instead stands at Misurina.

In 1917, with the defeat of Caporetto, the Italians abandoned the fort, leaving all their material there. The new front will move to the Piave but under the leadership of General Diaz and thanks to the sacrifice of the boys of ’99, Italy will reconquer the lost territories including the fort. Very little remains of Fort Monte Ricco as the Austrians blew everything up. They destroy the structure, the cannons and loot everything inside. The fort will therefore be downgraded to ruins and abandoned until the present day where, thanks to the municipality of Pieve and some financiers, it will be restored and opened to the public.

Opening Hours

May – June – September

Morning: 10.00 – 13.00
Afternoon: 15.30 – 19.00

July – August

Morning: 10.00 – 13.00
Afternoon 15.00 – 19.00

Galleria Fotografica

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